Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chapter 1.6 Fresh Starts

The twins may look alike, but they were anything but identical when it came to their attitudes. Brandon was quiet and would play in his room for hours on end, while I tended to his scremaing sister.

When I could peel myself away from Bree, I would find Brandon in his room, with his diaper soaked through yet he never made a peep.

This is why Adam prefered to play with his brother vs. his sister. I in many ways relyed on Adam to take care of his brother since Bree was so much work.

When Ethan would come home from work, I would leave for my job without even saying hello, eager to get out of the house.

With tensions high in our small 2 bedroom home it was our mutual decision to knock down our old house and build a new house with the remainder of our savings from fertility treatment.

Here are a few more pics of the new home.

I was so happy to be in the new house with much more room for the kids to play so we weren't in each other's hair all the time. I gave Ethan a big hug and  told him how happy I was.

The kids were happy too, they were actually all playing together with no screaming!

Putting the kids to bed was easier tonight than it ever was, except for Bree, who was still screming from being torn away from her toy and being put in her crib.

The only sloution to get Bree to be quiet was to put her infront of her xylaphone. She loved music and was good at it for a 3 year old.

I encouraged her all the way, often sitting down and listening to her play for hours.

While I was doing this, Adam often had his nose in a book, reading everything he could get his hands on.

He kept to himslef most of the time, playing with Peaches, his 'Imaginary friend' that only he could see.

I thought nothing of it, it was normal for children to have imaginary friends, but that dosen't change the fact that Peaches had ways of scaring me sometimes.

With time passing it was time for Ethan and I to age into Adults. Ethan developed glasses that his doctor told him he need. I think they make him look 20x hotter ;D

I ugh 'embraced' my aging and pulled my hair up and settled for a more mommy-ish outfit.

Realizing I wasn't getting any younger, I pulled out my phone and dialed the all too fimiliar number.

Yes this is Selena Evans, I said to the secretary. "2 weeks?" I responded. Thank you, yes that'll work. "I can't wait!" I hung up the phone with a huge smile on my face.

Authors Note**

Sorry for the short chapter guys but, I've been busy building their new house (I'm not the greatest house maker) and there was an emergancy yesterday with my famiy so sorry guys :(
I might post again later today.

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